TLS Rhoer Club
A love for youth and the development of their full potential was the primary motivating factor that inspired Founder Mary Lou Allison Gardner Little to organize Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc. Young people today face challenges that could never have been imagined years ago, but such challenges provide the sorority with opportunities to carry on the vision of Little.
Rhoers are young girls 12-18, and are organized on a local, regional, and national level. The Rhoer affiliates are working to help other young people while they learn about their heritage and develop leadership skills. Sigma Gamma Rho is dedicated to helping Rhoers to grow to be women of substance dedicated to service.
The Theta Lambda Sigma Rhoer Club was chartered in 2011 with the most recent inductees reactivating the club in August and December of 2015. These young ladies have been working with building a partnership with the Cary Police Department, as well as building confidence in public speaking through their strategic partnership with Toastmasters International.
Have a young lady who is interested in joining the TLS Rhoer Club? Fill out the form below to be connected with our Rhoer Coordinator.